Our Vision Caribbean and Latino The Vision Podcast πŸŽ₯πŸŽ™οΈ

From Haiti to Hollywood πŸ›« How to Make it as an Online Broadcaster and Mediamaker πŸŽ™οΈ

β€’ Charles Alleyne and Dr. Christopher C. Odom, MFA, PhD β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 5

⏩ Haitian broadcaster, mediamaker Jean-Philippe R. β€œJP” Beaulieu discusses his journey from Haiti to Hollywood and how your best day as a mediamaker, always has been, always is, and always will be today. The most important ingredient for success is uniquely you.

ABOUT Jean-Philippe R. β€œJP” Beaulieu 🎬

JP was born and raised in Haiti until the age of 14. His parents were diplomats. However, because of humanitarian atrocities and corruption, his father decided to migrate the family to the United States.

Because of his family’s government connections, they were able to safely leave Haiti. In 1974, the family first arrived in New York city. JP’s father become a banker. However, his father did not like New York and was able to transfer within his company to California.

JP initially followed in his father’s footstep and went into the banking industry, specifically in mortgage lending. JP had always had a curiosity in going to law school and decided to first test the waters by studying to become a paralegal.

Coupled with his penchant for entrepreneurship, this path eventually led JP to opening his own business which supplied paralegal and mortgage loan services.

As a hobby, JP became involved in photography. This opened the door to JP becoming a broadcast journalist covering red carpet events. Beaulieu Media was born. Today, JP is a well-beloved personality within the Haitian community.

Currently, JP and his company, Beaulieu Media, are currently engaged in a venture with Coast to Coast Films LLC which offers acting classes from Hollywood celebrities and podcasting studio space rentals for recording podcasts and live streaming.

🎯 CLICK HERE to submit your film to the next "Our Vision Caribbean and Latino Film Festival" to share your work, reach your audience, and turn your dreams into reality.

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